Rachel (left) In the Old Testament the young daughter of Laban, cousin and wife of Jacob, sister of Leah. Died when giving birth to Benjamin. Feast day: during the week of saint forefathers.
Jacob or Israel Patriarch, son Rebecca and Isaac, grandson of Abraham, he was the founder of “the twelve tribes of Israel” named after his sons. He was the younger twin brother and with the help of his mother he got his blind father’s blessing for the birthright. Fearing the revenge of his brother Esau, he withdrew to Mesopotamia where he married daughters of his uncle Laban, Rachel and Leah, by whom he had twelve sons and one daughter Dinah. Upon his return from Mesopotamia he lived in Palestina. When Jacob moved to his son Joseph to Egypt, they lived in the rich province of Goshen. The fate of “the twelve tribes of Israel” descending from his sons was prophesied by Jacob when he blessed each of them before his death. Jacob died at 147 and his body was transferred to the land of promise. Feast day: during the week of saint fathers and the week of saint forefathers.